Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Peace, man!

This weekend the CrossPoint youth group went to the Generation Next conference in Gastonia, NC. It was awesome.  I got to see God touching our youth and starting a passion in their hearts for him. Also, there have been some issues of discouragement I've been dealing with, and when we were there, I just felt a peace about them, even though, as far as I know, nothing has changed...

On a related note, I compiled a list of verses for encouragement. I'll post those soon...

Friday, March 12, 2010

A job! Probably...

Well, I went in this evening for a second interview for the job, and it looks like I got it! Thing is, for now, it'll only be part-time and probably just weekends... While that's not quite ideal, I'm still really excited. This will be a new and interesting experience...

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Re: mobilized

I now have my car back. (You can stop reading now if you don't want to be bored to tears by my rambling...)

I'd taken it in for repairs sunday evening, unfortunately, the part they'd been sent was the wrong one (which is why I didn't buy it myself and have them put it in, part's places always give me the wrong part the first two or three times...) but they finally finished with it today.

It's funny how much I missed having a vehicle just for two days. Yesterday I was really wanting to get out for a drive, though, that was partly due to how awesomely beautiful it was. As was today. So beautiful that I drove with the windows down for the first time in awhile...

Till my hat flew out the window from the back seat...

Thankfully, Gerry was following me in his truck and was able to retrieve it before it was run over.

Anyway, all told a decent day, though as it's only 4pm, there's still plenty of it left...

Saturday, March 6, 2010

A job interview

I have a job interview at Dick's Sporting Goods tomorrow, and I'm pretty excited. Also, I couldn't come up with a witty or cleaver title. (I mention, because I did try...) I've never had a "real job" before, and this is a neat a new opportunity. So, in this not having of a job, what have I been doing?

Moving pianos. My dad has a piano moving company (he does other stuff with them too, but that's all I help with) and I've been helping with that since I was nine or ten.

Volunteered at the South Boston Public Library. Something I did for about fourteen months, helping with a little bit of everything while I was there...

Pastry/Sandwich Salesman. I almost hesitate to mention this (and didn't include it on my resume) as I was only at it for about six weeks and it was a miserable experience.

General church computer guy. Been at this for a little less than a year, basically running the lyrics for the worship on sunday morning (yes, it is as simple as it sounds) and other random stuff involving the computers at the church.

And miscellaneous other things, from helping with remodeling and roofing (on our house and those of friends and neighbors) to hobby stuff such as painting and reshaping miniatures.

Anyway, while that doesn't look like much, when you get into a pattern/habit of what you do, time can slip by quite quickly...

Thursday, March 4, 2010


After signing up for wifi internet (for the second time) back in August (or maybe even July, I don't remember) we're finally connected. Previously, to use Internet, I'd have to sit outside in a specific place in the yard to pick up a signal off of their broadcasting tower...

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Hello World

As this is the first post, I assume that's supposed to be profound. Too bad.

While I'll probably copy this in to an info box at some point. Here's the pertinent questions.

Who?: David Freeman, me.

What?: A blog. "Never before have so many people with so little to say said so much to so few." (in this case, probably none as I don't intend to show this off anytime soon...)

Why?: Because I thought I should.
Why?: Because a monochrome (one color) kaleidoscope would be cool (actually it'd probably be lame, but it sounds cool...)

Where?: Here. (Doesn't really apply)

When?: Probably not very often (the updates) as I'm lazy.

How?: Magic. Or trained monkeys.